The Take Home

Take Home is the latest line of homes from OMD. Take home is a prefabricated housing system which provides affordable architecturally designed homes.

NOW PRE-SELLING: Jennifer Siegal’s Desert Hot Springs Development

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At the office mobile design we strive to maintain high standards in design and innovation. As a result we feel our homes truly possess a thoughtful and human touch. We design not only a structure, but also a comfortable way of living. We take ideas such as the flow of foot traffic and how you might interact with each surface and relentlessly refine the plan to its most efficient and natural ideal. Great attention is paid to material and details so that they might lend themselves to the most appealing and interesting outcome. We take pride in your homes and hope that is made evident in your level of comfort and satisfation.

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Sustainability is a key issue in our design process. At OMD we feel that every industry and business has a direct or indirect effect on the environment. We consciously take responsibility for our role and seek to minimize the impact we wake by incorporating sustainable materials and environmental systems into our homes.

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At OMD our goal is to offer architecturally designed homes to the average homebuyer at an affordable price. We are at the forefront of a new movement in home design and construction. In rethinking prefabrication methods we are able to produce customizable quality homes at or below market price.

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Time savings

By utilizing prefabricated building technologies and a defined home purchasing process OMD is able to provide you with your home a short perio of time. From start to finish our homes take an average of seven months before you are ready to move in. In comparison to a traditional design and build process which typically takes between 12 and 24 months.